Why move to the cloudThe Cloud refers to servers that can be accessed over the Internet, and the software and databases that run on those servers. Some examples of cloud services for consumers include Google Drive, Apple iCloud, Netflix, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive. Using the Cloud, users can access information on any device with an Internet connection, and can save files in a remote location rather than their device, saving storage space. In addition, the computing and storage is handled by external servers, meaning that users don't necessarily need to spend large amounts of money on processing power. Find out more about Cloud computing here.? There are many reasons for you to become a cloud based organisation. To begin with, you no longer need to manage a server. Once you have completed your cloud adoption, the people looking after the server (e.g. Google Cloud) have any number of the best people in the world doing so. The cloud infrastructure, i.e. the physical machines that are used in the data centres, are the best machines that money can buy. They are constantly looked after and monitored, and they are stored in the most secure environments imaginable. As a flavour of this trend, there are reports that Microsoft are placing their cloud technology (cloud computing) underwater.
Once you have completed your digital transformation and you are using your cloud environment, updates are simple to perform, if they are even needed at all. The machines are managed by the cloud services company, and you may be able to reduce cost because you can now concentrate your efforts on what your computers are doing for you, rather than you spending time and effort on the upkeep of the machines themselves.
Having worked on cloud migration for many clients, we are well aware of the challenges that are faced before and during cloud implementations. Every company's cloud journey is essentially the same, but subtly different. Cloud transformation will often highlight certain deficiencies in a company's current set-ups, all of which need to be addressed before a company can become completely cloud native. Point100 is well placed to help you with this. We work closely with our clients to build a cloud adoption framework before work even starts so that we and our clients can be confident that any potential pitfalls are accounted for and contingency plans are in place.